Pet owners and pet professionals alike can benefit greatly from a Pet First Aid and CPR course. You will feel readily prepared to address any accidents, emergencies, or injuries for pets in your care.
Administered by a certified Pet First Aid Instructor, the course is 10 hours long and includes a reference book as well as a certificate of completion.
Dogs are welcome to attend the class with their owners.
Receive hands-on experience with live animals and learn the necessary skills when dealing with first aid emergency situations.
Topics include:
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Injury & Illness Prevention
Medication Administration
Upcoming Classes:
Sunday April 6—Barks n' Rec—1590 Matheson Blvd, Mississauga
You will receive a registration form via email upon purchase of the course.
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This 3 hour course provides valuable information to help you and your pet experience the outdoors together. This course is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, campers, dog walkers, hikers, cabin owners, and people living in areas without easily accessible veterinary care.
Must have successfully completed Walks N Wags Pet First Aid course to register.
Topics Include:Trip PlanningEquipment ImprovisationProlonged Patient CarePain ManagementEvacuation
Upcoming Classes:
Sunday March 23—Pack Of Packs—105 Jefferson Avenue, Toronto