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Top Tips For Moving With Pets

Top Tips For Moving With Pets

 moving with your dog

Many condo buildings in Toronto have rules, regulations, and restrictions. I have heard stories of people purchasing condos and having to sell before even moving in because they later were told the condo policies and their dog was not welcome in their newly purchased condo. 
Chino is not a small dog and despite being well behaved and non-destructive many landlords do not care to hear about your pet, all they see is a red flag. Having good credit, a good job history and great references is all overlooked by some landlords the moment you check out the pet section on an application. I came to find out that some of the policies were breed, weight and even height specific. 
The condo pet policies is an ongoing dispute between dog lovers and developers. Many lawyers deal with such cases on a day to day basis. Legally a landlord cannot kick you out of their rental unit because you own a dog but if the dog breaches the condo policies then there is definitely grounds for removal. My #1 tip is to always know the rules of each specific condo you look at before any purchase or offer proposal. It is of utmost importance to be informed of where you are moving be it a rental or purchase of a property.
dog with moving boxes
  • Ensure that your dog's collar has all up to date contact information on it. It should reflect your new address and tags should be secured to their collar or harness.
  • Check the rules of your new home and any restrictions they may have in regard to pets. 
  • Take your pet tot the vet for a check up and refill any medication they may need.
  • Check local licensing rules if you are moving out of your current city in case your dog needs to have this updated.
  • Ensure to safely declutter your current home and have items that are valuable or hazardous away from your dog's reach.
  • Pack pet items and necessities in a separate box clearly labels for quick access when needed.
  • Try and keep it stress free for your dog. Something as small as putting their toys, carrier or bed next to your packed up boxes or suitcases helps ease the stress of the thought of them being left behind.
  • Stay consistent with your dog's schedule and routine so not to throw them off too much by the move.

  • Take your dog to do a quick tour of the empty space so they become familiar with their new home. Let them explore and smell their new space.
  • Have a trusted friend or family member watch your dog for the big move so that they are not in the way when boxes and furniture are coming in and out.
  • Take your dog to to the park in the area and develop a walking route with them.
Happy Moving!  -XO Ingrid & Chino

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