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5 Questions To Ask Your Dog Walker

5 Questions To Ask Your Dog Walker

 After owning and operating one of Toronto's best dog walking services for 10 years I know all the questions you should be asking when vetting a new dog walker for your pup. After all you are entrusting someone with your fur baby and entering your home when you are not there so you want to ensure they are the right fit. 
  1. Are you bonded & insured?
    Insurance can cover a number of things and bonding ensures they do not have a criminal background. Example: If they lose the keys to your home, will their insurance cover the rekeying of your door?
  2.  Do I get the same dog walker every day?
    Consistency and routine is best for your dog so ensuring the same person is entering your home is key. If your walker is sick will someone who is covering their route be informed of details required to walk your dog?
  3.  How many dogs will my dog be walked with?
    Smaller pack walks are ideal to assure the safety of all the dogs especially in the core of the city. It' also important they be matched with dogs similar in age and energy levels.
  4. What is the procedure for inclement weather?
    Does your dog go out the full time, play inside, etc. We have every season here in Toronto so you want to make sure if it's too hot or cold your pup will still get their allocated exercise time in. 
  5. Where will my dog be taken for walks?
    Will it be in your neighbourhood, driven to a location? It's important to know where your dog will be while out on their walks. 

    A great place to FIND a dog walker in Toronto is this website as they have a directory on a map to find a dog walker near you.

    XO- Ingrid & Chino

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