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5 Pet Holiday Hazards

5 Pet Holiday Hazards

Christmas is fast approaching. With the holidays comes all the decor, food and new items in your home. It's important to be mindful of all the items that are in reach of your pets. Here are the most common hazards during the holidays.

holiday dog

1. Tinsel
This can be easily ingested and cause a choking hazard to pets.
Super popular during the holidays this plant is poisonous to both carts and dogs. If ingested can cause vomiting and many other digestive issues.
3. Mistletoe
Kissing underneath it is so festive, however if ingested (especially the berries) this can cause a toxic reaction in your pets. Signs include drooling and diarrhea. 
Christmas goodies always include chocolate. Be sure that any gifts that may contain chocolate are not left under the tree where your pet can get into them easily and eat it. The higher the cocoa percentage the higher the danger. 
5. Bones
Cooked bones and food scraps are a big no no during the holidays. Be sure to inform any guests to not feed your pets underneath the table. 
 Always be sure to let any guest entering your home to be mindful of the pets in your home. It's important to keep anything that can be dangerous to pets out of reach to them. Designating an area or a bin where these items can go is important and can be preventative to having a holiday emergency. An important number to have on hand is the Animal Poison Control Centre 1-855-764-7661(an incident fee applies)
XO- Ingrid & Chino 


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